“If I have done the public any service, it is due to my patient thought.”
–Sir Isaac Newton
• About Modern Landfill

Adam Jochelson
Adam Jochelson, P. E., is an Environmental Engineer working to show landfills of all sizes how they can apply cutting edge technologies to manage their disposal operations more cost-effectively. He recently left his position as Senior Landfill Engineer for the City of Dallas to found Modern Landfill Engineering Service, LLC. Hardly a day went by during Adam’s 9-year stint with Dallas that he did not spend time in the field at McCommas Bluff Landfill, Texas’s largest disposal facility. His tireless efforts there helped move daily GPS grade control—a core feature of the Modern Landfill system—from idea to reality.
Adam earned his bachelor’s degree at Duke University, studying Civil & Environmental Engineering with extensive class work in computer science. Prior to landing at Dallas’s Sanitation Department, Adam developed skills and collected experience working in various fields across the U. S. and overseas, including computer programming & consulting, ski resort operation, teaching, and professional soccer.