“Although human subtlety makes a variety of inventions . . . it will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple, or more direct than does nature, because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.”
–Leonardo da Vinci
• General Environmental Services
ML’s primary target audience is, of course, landfill facilities in need of modernization. But ML can provide value-added service applying the same engineering principles to protection of the environment outside of the solid waste management field.
From SW3Ps to EMSs and a whole host of acronyms around and in between, Modern Landfill can supply what you need to make sure your project or facility operates with minimal environmental impact.
SW3P = Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Construction sites, municipal facilities, and industrial locations of various sorts–they all need to manage storm water runoff in a way that protects the environment. ML provides effective and efficient SW3Ps for any application.
EMS = Environmental Management System
ISO 14001 sets the worldwide standard for responsible action in protecting the environment from byproducts of your business activities. ML walks you through whole process from determining your impacts through establishing targets all the way to internal auditing
SPCC = Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure
Do you store bulk petroleum products of any kind? If so, Part 112 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations [40 CFR 112] may require you to develop and implement an SPCC Plan. ML will make sure yours is EPA compliant.
QMS = Quality Management System
As an EMS standardizes your efforts to improve environmental impact, so a QMS works to better your customers’ experience with your products and services. ML was instrumental in development of the first ISO 9001 certified QMS for a landfill.
RTK = Right to Know
You have chemicals. Some of them may pose potential hazards to your employees, customers, and the environmental. Federal law establishes their right to know about those hazards and how to react to exposure. ML determines what is applicable to you and ensures you have the right documentation (MSDSs) on site.
Tier 2 = Protection for Fire Fighters
Are your chemicals stored in bulk containers? If so, you may need to ensure that local fire fighters know what’s at your facility in case of an emergency call. Enter the Tier 2 Chemical Reporting Program. ML ensures your report goes to right place with the right chemicals listed.