“Genius is the ability to evade work by doing something right the first time.”
• Cutting Edge Grade Control
Grade Control is probably the most poorly managed task at an average landfill. In fact, most landfills practice a system of grade check-and-repair rather than true grade control. Why is grade control important? Because poor grade control leads to
- Wasted Airspace
- Mismanagement of Resources
- Re-grading of Waste Mass and Cover
- Heightened Erosion Potential
- Increased Likelihood of Leachate Springs
Without proper grade control, landfill waste lift development is little more than guesswork, which leads to poor work, which must be re-worked, all of which is wasted work. Modern Landfill will help you avoid all of that by doing smart work to get it right the first time.
ML’s approach applies cutting edge technology to ensure tight grade control for each lift of waste at your landfill. With ML’s help, your operators will construct waste lifts on-grade the first time, every time. ML will also show you how strict grade control is just the first step forward in their unique methodology, and how the next steps will save you time, labor, money, and resources. You’ll be amazed at the savings realized at your Modern Landfill.