Tomorrow's Landfill... Today
Why settle for decades-old techniques? Nature demands evolution, and so should you. Let Modern Landfill bring your landfill into the next century, with

  •  • Cutting Edge Grade Control
  •  • Timely Performance Analysis
  •  • Internet Marketing & Branding
  •  • Custom Software Applications
  •  • Bio-Reactor Consideration
  •  • Airspace Consumption Analysis

Permeable Bed Layout
Interested in Wet Landfill Technology. Modern Landfill knows what works best to get liquid injection infrastructure in place for landfills of any size.
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PFPs: Translations from Engineer to Operator

PFPs: Translations from Engineer to Operator - Modern Landfill

Modern LandfillA Language Barrier

Who wrote your permit? Who applies its provisions? Do they speak the same language? It’s highly likely that they don’t, since the typical permit is written by an engineer, but applied by field staff. Unfortunately, engineers are notorious for writing language that is unintelligible to the average layperson. Indeed, there is very good chance that your permit is written in a language that your landfill staff simply cannot understand.

Modern LandfillML’s Language Lessons

ML’s Senior Landfill Engineer, Adam Jochelson, P. E., has spent most of the last decade interacting with landfill equipment operators almost daily. As the planning and development engineer for the largest landfill in Texas, Mr. Jochelson realized the need to bridge the communication gap between permit and operator. To solve this problem, he developed Permit Fulfillment Plans (PFPs)–your facility could benefit from implementation of PFPs.

Modern LandfillWhat is a PFP?

A Permit Fulfillment Plan (PFP) is a guidance document with no actual legal bearing that describes in plain English how a facility fulfills a particular requirement stipulated in the facility permit. Because it is not part of the permit, a PFP can me modified at any time to reflect changes in practices in the field, without triggering the sometimes burdensome permit modification process.

Modern LandfillYour recommended daily dose of PFPs

ML will read and evaluate your permit, draw up an outline of sections in need of translation from Engineer to Operator, and talk to you and your operators about how you fulfill those sections, then develop your PFPs to fit your activities. After implementing the PFPs (including any training needed), ML will continue working with you on a regular schedule to ensure that your PFPs stay up-to-date as your facility grows.

Modern LandfillGet your PFPs today . . .

Let ML give your staff a fighting chance to properly apply the provisions of your permit. Without PFPs, you risk violating your permit due to the simple act of misunderstanding. Don’t let the intention of your permit–and your environmental compliance reputation–be lost in translation.

PFPs:  Translations from Engineer to Operator - Modern Landfill

Traditional Landfill Services

Tradtional Landfill Services from Modern Landfill

Modern Landfill specializes in innovative technologies, but they also provide high quality service in the more traditional realms of landfill development. These are things all landfills must do, often prescribed by state laws.

 • Traditional Landfill Services

Environmental Monitoring, Permit Writing & Modification, Cell Design, Construction Management, … Let ML’s extensive field experience ensure quality completion of all these tasks at your landfill.

Modern LandfillPermit Evaluations

Who wrote your permit? Who applies its provisions? Do they speak the same language? ML will translate any section of your permit from Engineer to Operator.

Modern LandfillEnvironmental Monitoring, Testing & Reporting

Landfills require monitoring of all sorts–earth, air & water. ML streamlines your monitoring procedures and reduces (or eliminates) the need in some instances.

Modern LandfillCell Design & Development

The engineer’s job should not end when the liner systems is in place. ML actively manages development of your landfill. Top to bottom–every layer of waste is designed.

Modern LandfillConstruction Management

Quality landfill construction requires frequent and regular supervision. ML’s experience with many construction projects will ensure you get the best every time.

Modern LandfillSoil Management Plans

Soil is one of your landfill’s most valuable resources. Turn to ML to tell you where your best material is, how much of it is there, and how to use it wisely.

Traditional Landfill Service by Modern Landfill

Modern Landfill Services

Modern Landfill Services

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.”

–Ralph Waldo Emerson (paraphrased)

 • Landfill Modernization

You’ve got bigger, shinier, more efficient equipment, but do you push, pack & cover your waste any differently with them? Odds are, you don’t. Modern Landfill shows you how the next generation of landfills will operate.

 • Construction Support

Maximize efficiency and minimize cost! From the early stages of project planning through the final days of completion of construction and beyond, Modern Landfill provides guidance every step of the way.

 • Cutting Edge Grade Control

A core feature of the Modern Landfill is real-time, daily grade control. Modern Landfill helps you achieve on-grade production the first time, every time.

 • Traditional Landfill Services

Modern Landfill provides high-quality service in waste cell design and construction management, plus permit writing & evaluation, soil management, and environmental monitoring & reporting.

 • General Environmental Services

SW3P . . . EMS . . . SPCC . . . Tier 2 . . . Modern Landfill helps you navigate the landscape and protect the environment for future generations.

 • Topographic Services

How much space did you use at your landfill last month? Last year? Last week? Know more about your airspace with Modern Landfill Topography.

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